Day: December 22, 2022

  • What Yoga Mat Do Instructors Use?

    A few years ago, yoga meds only came in PVC material, and used to come in only a few colors. These days, there are lots of different types of yoga mats available in the market to meet the needs of every yoga student.

    In addition to looking good and feeling premium, your yoga mad must also do the job by letting you make all the difficult yoga poses easily. The quality of your yoga mat depends on the material it is made out of, it’s thickness, and a few other things.

    In this article, we will tell you what yoga mat instructors regularly use, and how you can choose the best yoga mat for your yoga practice as well. High quality yoga mats are recommended by yoga institutes like Marianne Wells Yoga School.

    Yoga School

    Mat Thickness

    The thickness of your yoga mat is one of the most important things you should take care of when buying one for your your practice. A yoga mat that is too thin will cause discomfort during difficult poses. On the other hand, and thick yoga mat won’t provide you with enough support in standing poses.

    Moreover, you should also consider the portability of your yoga mat. For example, if you do not mind a slightly larger and bulkier yoga mat, you can definitely invest in a thicker version. On the other hand, for sleek finish, you should invest in a thin yoga mat.

    Mat Material

    The material of your yoga mat dictates it’s usefulness and stickiness to the floor. It also determines the amount of time for which you’ll be able to use the mat before it becomes useless.

    Most of the yoga mats are made out of PVC. However, there are various other options like rubber, jute and natural materials which are eco-friendly as well.